Current UDS members should find an email to vote in the 2021 UDS board elections! If you do not receive an email to vote let us know. Thank you for your participation!
Please note that we had no nominees for Vice President. If you are interested in serving please contact us!
The current UDS Board would like to introduce the 2021 Board Member Nominees. We appreciate the willingness of these members to volunteer their time to help support the Utah Dressage Society and dressage community in Utah.
If you have any questions please contact our VP Emily at vicepresident@utahdressagesociety.com.
Election Ballots will be emailed to all current UDS members October 13th through Survey Monkey. Voting will close November 8th and the results will be announced at the November Annual Member Meeting and posted online.
Mary Smithing
Director of Communications Nominee
Mary Smithing, the Director of Communications Nominee, currently serves on the UDS Board as the Education Director. Mary has been the current Communications Directors backup, and would like to take over the position as Jasmine ends her term on the Board. Mary enjoys being a part of the Dressage and horse community in Utah and would like to continue serving the UDS members as the Director of Communications.
Birgit Pulli
Secretary Nominee
Birgit Pulli, the Secretary Nominee, would like to serve as the UDS Secretary on the 2021-2022 Board of Directors.
Nora Williams
Director of Education Nominee
Nora Williams, the Director of Education Nominee: I intend to run for the Director of Education position. I feel I can fulfill the outlined responsibilities and contribute to the growth and development of UDS members in a positive way! I am excited to have this opportunity to run and will plan to attend the next board meeting October 14th.
Susan Helier
Treasurer Nominee
Susan Helier, the Treasurer Nominee, currently serves as the UDS Treasurer and would like to continue her support of the club as the Treasurer for another term. Susan is an asset to the club and has done a great job managing the club finances as well as other club related business.
Sandra Rivero
Director of Membership Nominee
Sandra Rivero, is the Director of Membership Nominee and is willing to serve as interim Membership Director for the reminder of 2021.
Clarissa Taggart
Vice President
Clarissa Taggart, Clarissa decided to fill the roll of the Vice President of the UDS as there were no Nominees at the time when Ballots were sent out. Clarissa has served on the Board in the past year as the Co- Competition Director.