As previously published, elections for certain UDS Board positions will be held in October. The following positions are up for election and the chart shows if there is an “interim” Board member who has been serving in that position. Even if there is an “interim” Board member in the position, other qualified candidates may be considered.
Per the UDS ByLaws and Policies & Procedures, eligible nominees will be considered until October 6th and then published. Nominees/candidates must have been members as of July 2022 and be qualified for the position. If you meet the criteria and would like to be included in the election, please email Ginny Sorenson - Attention: Nominating Committee - at vicepresident@utahdressagesociety.com (as previously mentioned, Ginny is vacating the Vice President position and stepping into the President role on an interim basis). See job descriptions below.
The Nominating Committee consists of 3 current UDS members - one is a Board member and the others are non-Board members. This year, the Committee includes Ginny Sorenson and two of the Barn Owners’ Advisory Board members: Jan Lawrence and Morgen Bastow. As part of the Committee’s responsibility, it was confirmed that the current incumbents (those currently in positions up for election) have been asked whether they would like to be considered for election/re-election. UDS members who are eligible to be a candidate are urged to contact the Nominating Committee if they wish to run for office.
By October 13th, ballots will be emailed (via Survey Monkey) to eligible voters (members as of July 1, 2022). Completed ballots may only be delivered via a response through Survey Monkey. New Board members will be announced and notified at the November Annual Meeting (date tbd) followed by an email blast to the membership.
By December 1st, the new Board members will be posted on the UDS website and their terms will start on January 1st, 2023.
Please spend time on this important event and participate in creating a valuable and impactful organization. Also, please feel free to ask any questions or ask for more information.
Thank you!
Overall requirements for all Board positions include skills and experience appropriate for the position, the desire to promote and enhance dressage in Utah and surrounding areas, and a collaborative and inclusive style of leadership.
Descriptions of all Board positions are located in the UDS ByLaws and additional information is detailed in the Policies & Procedures documents on the UDS website.
Here is a brief summary for each position that is currently up for Election (2022):
Vice President: The Vice President shall exercise any power or duty of the President in his/her absence. In addition, he/she will oversee designated committees, with an eye for growth of the organization, value to members, and fair and equitable policies, procedures, and practices.
Secretary: The Secretary is responsible for minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and of all meetings of the members. In addition, the Secretary shall maintain the permanent records of UDS.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial books of UDS and shall maintain UDS financial records.
Director of Communications: The Director of Communications shall inform UDS members concerning matters of interest to the members, including newsletters, social media, advertising, and mailings.
Director of Competitions: The Director of Competitions shall ensure compliance, and organize and maintain results' records for any competitions recognized by UDS.
Director of Education: The Director of Education shall develop programming to meet the needs of the members, to include: clinics, workshops, and scholarships.
Please feel free to contact vicepresident@utahdressage.com if you have any questions or concerns.